CBD processing

Isolation of CBD

Introduction CBD isolation is performed by many processors to create a THC-free product for their end-user for a variety of reasons. For those who have had the opportunity to isolate CBD using crystallization, it is apparent that the material will readily form crystals, sometimes almost to a fault. Controlling this crystallization becomes quite important [...]

2022-06-07T21:17:46+00:00June 7th, 2022|Isolation, Science|

Using a Mass Balance to Evaluate Your CBD Distillation Process

If the average person was asked to do a mass balance on a system, they might not quite understand what is required. However, for chemical engineers and industrial process chemists this is something learned quite early in their curriculum. While it is a tool often used by chemical engineers, there is no reason why [...]

2021-05-12T18:09:38+00:00May 4th, 2021|Distillation|
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